
simple past tense of uprise.
verb (used without object), uprose, uprisen, uprising.
to rise up; get up, as from a lying or sitting posture.
to rise into view:
As we approached the city, the spires of tall buildings uprose as if to greet us.
to rise in revolt.
to come into existence or prominence:
Many calamities uprose to plague the people during the war.
to move upward; mount up; ascend.
to come above the horizon.
to slope upward:
The land uprises from the river to the hills.
to swell or grow, as a sound:
A blare of trumpets uprose to salute the king.
an act of rising up.
verb (ʌpˈraɪz) -rises, -rising, -rose, -risen
(transitive) to rise up
noun (ˈʌpˌraɪz)
another word for rise (sense 24), rise (sense 25), rise (sense 26)

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