
curved or sloped upward:
upswept automobile fenders.
combed or brushed upward to the top of the head.
verb (used with object), upswept, upsweeping.
to sweep upward.
verb (used without object), upswept, upsweeping.
to be arranged in an upsweep.
a sweeping upward, as an increase in elevation or a steep slope.
a hairdo produced by having the hair combed or brushed upward to the top of the head; an upswept hairdo.
a strongly pronounced rise in activity, as in business.
a curved shape of the lower jaw of some animals.
noun (ˈʌpˌswiːp)
a curve or sweep upwards
(US & Canadian) an upswept hairstyle
verb (ʌpˈswiːp) -sweeps, -sweeping, -swept
to sweep, curve, or brush or be swept, curved, or brushed upwards

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