
noun, Informal.
an urban area.

Read Also:

  • Urbana

    noun 1. a city in E Illinois, adjoining Champaign. 2. a city in W Ohio.

  • Urban area

    noun 1. (in population censuses) a city area considered as the inner city plus built-up environs, irrespective of local body administrative boundaries

  • Urban blues

    noun 1. (sometimes functioning as sing) an extrovert and rhythmic style of blues, usually accompanied by a band Compare country blues

  • Urban caving

    noun See urban exploration

  • Urban-contemporary

    noun 1. popular dance music incorporating elements of rap, rhythm-and-blues, funk, and soul. adjective a style of soul or rhythm-and-blues music that involves electronic instruments; also, a radio format featuring this music; also called urban , urban music Word Origin 1980 Usage Note urban contemporary, n

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