
a person who is a specialist in urban planning.

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  • Urbanistic

    adjective 1. of or relating to urbanism.

  • Urbanistically

    adjective 1. of or relating to urbanism.

  • Urbanite

    noun 1. a resident of a city or urban community. noun 1. a resident of an urban community; city dweller

  • Urbanity

    noun, plural urbanities. 1. the quality of being urbane; refined courtesy or politeness; suavity: He was the last word in urbanity. 2. urbanities, civilities or amenities. 3. the quality or state of being urban. noun (pl) -ties 1. the quality of being urbane 2. (usually pl) civilities or courtesies

  • Upwhirl

    verb (used with object) 1. to cause (something) to whirl upward. verb (used without object) 2. to be whirled upward.

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