
verb (used with object), urged, urging.
to push or force along; impel with force or vigor:
to urge the cause along.
to drive with incitement to speed or effort:
to urge dogs on with shouts.
to press, push, or hasten (the course, activities, etc.):
to urge one’s escape.
to impel, constrain, or move to some action:
urged by necessity.
to endeavor to induce or persuade, as by entreaties; entreat or exhort earnestly:
to urge a person to greater caution.
to press (something) upon the attention:
to urge a claim.
to insist on, allege, or assert with earnestness:
to urge the need of haste.
to press by persuasion or recommendation, as for acceptance, performance, or use; recommend or advocate earnestly:
to urge a plan of action.
verb (used without object), urged, urging.
to exert a driving or impelling force; give an impulse to haste or action:
Hunger urges.
to make entreaties or earnest recommendations.
to press arguments or allegations, as against a person, action, or cause:
The senator urged against the confirmation of the appointment.
an act of urging; impelling action, influence, or force; impulse.
an involuntary, natural, or instinctive impulse:
the sex urge.
(transitive) to plead, press, or move (someone to do something): we urged him to surrender
(transitive; may take a clause as object) to advocate or recommend earnestly and persistently; plead or insist on: to urge the need for safety
(transitive) to impel, drive, or hasten onwards: he urged the horses on
(transitive) (archaic or literary) to stimulate, excite, or incite
a strong impulse, inner drive, or yearning

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