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    adjective 1. conveying urine. adjective 1. conveying urine

  • Uriniferous-tubule

    noun 1. a urine-bearing tubule in a nephron of a kidney.

  • Urino-

    1. a combining form of urine: urinoscopy. urino- or urin- pref. Urine: urinalysis

  • Urinogenital

    [yoo r-uh-noh-jen-i-tl] /ˌyʊər ə noʊˈdʒɛn ɪ tl/ adjective 1. genitourinary. urinogenital /ˌjʊərɪnəʊˈdʒɛnɪtəl/ adjective 1. another word for urogenital, genitourinary urinogenital u·ri·no·gen·i·tal (yur’ə-nō-jěn’ĭ-tl) adj. Variant of urogenital.

  • Urinogenous

    urinogenous u·ri·nog·e·nous (yur’ə-nŏj’ə-nəs) adj. Producing or excreting urine. Of urinary origin.

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