UV Ceti star
flare star.
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UVCS ultraviolet coronagraph spectrometer
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noun, Anatomy. 1. the vascular tunic of the eye, comprising the iris, choroid coat, and ciliary body. noun 1. the part of the eyeball consisting of the iris, ciliary body, and choroid uvea u·ve·a (yōō’vē-ə) n. The vascular, pigmentary, middle coat of the eye comprising the choroid, ciliary body, and iris. u’ve·al adj.
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UVEB unifocal ventricular ectopic beat
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noun 1. Nicholas, Udall. noun 1. a variant of (Nicholas) Udall
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noun, Pathology. 1. inflammation of the uvea. noun 1. inflammation of the uvea uveitis u·ve·i·tis (yōō’vē-ī’tĭs) n. Inflammation of the uvea. u’ve·it’ic (-ĭt’ĭk) adj.