uvulo- or uvul-
Uvula: uvuloptosis.
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- Uvuloptosis
uvuloptosis u·vu·lop·to·sis (yōō’vyə-lŏp-tō’sĭs) n. Relaxation or elongation of the uvula. Also called staphylodialysis, staphyloptosis.
- Uvulotomy
uvulotomy u·vu·lot·o·my (yōō’vyə-lŏt’ə-mē) n. Incision of the uvula. Also called staphylotomy.
- U-w
1. under will. 1. underwriter.
- U wave
U wave n. A positive wave following the T wave of the electrocardiogram.
- Uwb
abbreviation 1. ultrawideband