noun, plural vacuities.
the state of being vacuous or without contents; vacancy; emptiness:
the vacuity of the open sea.
absence of thought or intelligence; inanity; blankness:
a mind of undeniable vacuity.
a time or state of dullness, lacking in mental or physical action or productivity:
the vacuity of modern existence.
an empty space; void:
a vacuity in the earth formed by erosion.
absence or lack of something specified:
a vacuity of feeling.
something inane, senseless, or stupid:
conversation full of vacuities.
a vacuum.
noun (pl) -ties
the state or quality of being vacuous; emptiness
an empty space or void; vacuum
a lack or absence of something specified: a vacuity of wind
lack of normal intelligence or awareness; vacancy: his stare gave an impression of complete vacuity
something, such as a statement, saying, etc, that is inane or pointless
(in customs terminology) the difference in volume between the actual contents of a container and its full capacity
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noun 1. the formation of vacuoles. 2. the state of being vacuolate. 3. a system of vacuoles. vacuolation vac·u·o·la·tion (vāk’yōō-ō-lā’shən) or vac·u·o·li·za·tion (-lĭ-zā’shən) n. The formation of vacuoles. The condition of having vacuoles.
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noun, Biology. 1. a membrane-bound cavity within a cell, often containing a watery liquid or secretion. 2. a minute cavity or vesicle in organic tissue. noun 1. (biology) a fluid-filled cavity in the cytoplasm of a cell vacuole vac·u·ole (vāk’yōō-ōl’) n. A small cavity in the cytoplasm of a cell, bound by a single membrane […]
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adjective 1. without contents; empty: the vacuous air. 2. lacking in ideas or intelligence: a vacuous mind. 3. expressing or characterized by a lack of ideas or intelligence; inane; stupid: a vacuous book. 4. purposeless; idle: a vacuous way of life. adjective 1. containing nothing; empty 2. bereft of ideas or intelligence; mindless 3. characterized […]