the formation of vacuoles.
the state of being vacuolate.
a system of vacuoles.
vacuolation vac·u·o·la·tion (vāk’yōō-ō-lā’shən) or vac·u·o·li·za·tion (-lĭ-zā’shən)
The formation of vacuoles.
The condition of having vacuoles.
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noun, Biology. 1. a membrane-bound cavity within a cell, often containing a watery liquid or secretion. 2. a minute cavity or vesicle in organic tissue. noun 1. (biology) a fluid-filled cavity in the cytoplasm of a cell vacuole vac·u·ole (vāk’yōō-ōl’) n. A small cavity in the cytoplasm of a cell, bound by a single membrane […]
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adjective 1. without contents; empty: the vacuous air. 2. lacking in ideas or intelligence: a vacuous mind. 3. expressing or characterized by a lack of ideas or intelligence; inane; stupid: a vacuous book. 4. purposeless; idle: a vacuous way of life. adjective 1. containing nothing; empty 2. bereft of ideas or intelligence; mindless 3. characterized […]
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adjective 1. without contents; empty: the vacuous air. 2. lacking in ideas or intelligence: a vacuous mind. 3. expressing or characterized by a lack of ideas or intelligence; inane; stupid: a vacuous book. 4. purposeless; idle: a vacuous way of life. adjective 1. containing nothing; empty 2. bereft of ideas or intelligence; mindless 3. characterized […]
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vacutome vac·u·tome (vāk’yə-tōm’) n. An electrodermatome that applies suction to the skin to raise it before an advancing blade, usually for taking a split-thickness skin graft.
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noun, plural vacuums for 1, 2, 4–6, vacua [vak-yoo-uh] /ˈvæk yu ə/ (Show IPA), for 1, 2, 4, 6. 1. a space entirely devoid of matter. 2. an enclosed space from which matter, especially air, has been partially removed so that the matter or gas remaining in the space exerts less pressure than the atmosphere […]