a vagrant
the vag, the Vagrancy Act: the police finally got him on the vag
verb vags, vagging, vagged
(transitive) to arrest (someone) for vagrancy
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adjective 1. wandering from place to place without any settled home; nomadic: a vagabond tribe. 2. leading an unsettled or carefree life. 3. disreputable; worthless; shiftless. 4. of, relating to, or characteristic of a vagabond: vagabond habits. 5. having an uncertain or irregular course or direction: a vagabond voyage. noun 6. a person, usually without […]
- Vagabondage
noun 1. the state or condition of being a vagabond; idle wandering. 2. vagabonds collectively.
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adjective 1. of or relating to a vagus nerve. adjective 1. (anatomy) of, relating to, or affecting the vagus nerve: vagal inhibition vagal va·gal (vā’gəl) adj. Of or relating to the vagus nerve.
- Vagal attack
vagal attack n. A paroxysmal condition marked by slow pulse, a fall in blood pressure, and sometimes by convulsions, thought to be the result of sudden stimulation of the vagus nerve mediated through receptors located in the carotid sinus, the aortic arch, or the heart. Also called vasovagal attack, vasovagal syncope.
- Vagal-block
noun, Medicine/Medical. 1. the obstruction of vagus nerve impulses by the administration of drugs, a treatment for reducing acid secretion by the stomach.