noun, plural vagaries.
an unpredictable or erratic action, occurrence, course, or instance:
the vagaries of weather; the vagaries of the economic scene.
a whimsical, wild, or unusual idea, desire, or action.
noun (pl) -garies
an erratic or outlandish notion or action; whim
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noun, plural vagi [vey-jahy, -gahy] /ˈveɪ dʒaɪ, -gaɪ/ (Show IPA) 1. vagus nerve. noun (pl) -gi (-dʒaɪ) 1. the tenth cranial nerve, which supplies the heart, lungs, and viscera vagus va·gus (vā’gəs) n. pl. va·gi (-gī, -jī) The vagus nerve.
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