resembling varicella.
resembling chickenpox
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- Varices
noun 1. plural of varix. noun, plural varices [vair-uh-seez] /ˈvɛər əˌsiz/ (Show IPA) 1. Also called varicosity. Pathology. a permanent abnormal dilation and lengthening of a vein, usually accompanied by some tortuosity; a varicose vein. 2. Zoology. a ridgelike mark or scar on the surface of a shell at a former position of the lip […]
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variciform var·i·ci·form (vār’ĭ-sə-fôrm’, və-rĭs’ə-) adj. Resembling a varix.
- Varico-
1. a combining form meaning “varix,” “varicose vein,” used in the formation of compound words: varicocele. combining form 1. indicating a varix or varicose veins: varicotomy varico- or varic- pref. Varix; varicose: varicocele.
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varicoblepharon var·i·co·bleph·a·ron (vār’ĭ-kō-blěf’ə-rŏn’) n. A varicosity of the eyelid.
- Varicocele
noun, Pathology. 1. a varicose condition of the spermatic veins of the scrotum. noun 1. (pathol) an abnormal distension of the veins of the spermatic cord in the scrotum varicocele var·i·co·cele (vār’ĭ-kō-sēl’) n. A varicose condition of veins of the spermatic cord or the ovaries, forming a soft tumor.