varicoid var·i·coid (vār’ĭ-koid’)
Resembling a dilated vein; variciform.
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/ˈvɛərɪˌkʌləd/ adjective 1. having many colours; variegated; motley
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varicomphalus var·i·com·pha·lus (vār’ĭ-kŏm’fə-ləs) n. A swelling formed by varicose veins at the umbilicus.
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- Varicose
adjective 1. abnormally or unusually enlarged or swollen: a varicose vein. 2. pertaining to or affected with varices, which often affect the superficial portions of the lower limbs. adjective 1. of or resulting from varicose veins: a varicose ulcer varicose var·i·cose (vār’ĭ-kōs’) adj. Relating to, affected with, or characterized by varices or varicosis.