Varicose veins
plural noun
a condition in which the superficial veins, esp of the legs, become tortuous, knotted, and swollen: caused by a defect in the venous valves or in the venous pump that normally moves the blood out of the legs when standing for long periods
varicose veins
Abnormally prominent and swollen veins, especially in the legs.
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- Varicosis
noun, Pathology. 1. the formation of a varix or varices. 2. varicosity. noun 1. (pathol) any condition characterized by distension of the veins varicosis var·i·co·sis (vār’ĭ-kō’sĭs) n. pl. var·i·co·ses (-sēz) The condition of being varicose. Formation of varices.
- Varicosities
noun, plural varicosities. Pathology. 1. the state or condition of being varicose. 2. varix (def 1). noun (pathol) (pl) -ties 1. the state, condition, or quality of being varicose 2. an abnormally distended vein varicosity var·i·cos·i·ty (vār’ĭ-kŏs’ĭ-tē) n. Varicosis. A varicose enlargement or swelling.
- Varicosity
noun, plural varicosities. Pathology. 1. the state or condition of being varicose. 2. varix (def 1). noun (pathol) (pl) -ties 1. the state, condition, or quality of being varicose 2. an abnormally distended vein varicosity var·i·cos·i·ty (vār’ĭ-kŏs’ĭ-tē) n. Varicosis. A varicose enlargement or swelling.
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noun, plural varicotomies. 1. surgical removal of a varicose vein. noun (pl) -mies 1. surgical excision of a varicose vein varicotomy var·i·cot·o·my (vār’ĭ-kŏt’ə-mē) n. Surgical removal of varicose veins.
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varicula va·ric·u·la (və-rĭk’yə-lə) n. pl. va·ric·u·lae (-lē) A varicose condition of veins of the conjunctiva. Also called conjunctival varix.