
[vas def-uh-renz, -er-uh nz] /ˈvæs ˈdɛf əˌrɛnz, -ər ənz/
noun, plural vasa deferentia
[vey-suh def-uh-ren-shee-uh, -shuh] /ˈveɪ sə ˌdɛf əˈrɛn ʃi ə, -ʃə/ (Show IPA). Anatomy, Zoology.
the duct that transports the sperm from the epididymis to the penis.
vas deferens
/ˈvæs ˈdɛfəˌrɛnz/
noun (pl) vasa deferentia (ˈveɪsə ˌdɛfəˈrɛnʃɪə)
(anatomy) the duct that conveys spermatozoa from the epididymis to the urethra

vas deferens vas def·er·ens (vās’ děf’ər-ənz, -ə-rěnz’)
n. pl. vasa def·er·en·ti·a (děf’ə-rěn’shē-ə)
The main secretory duct of the testicle, through which semen is carried from the epididymis to the prostatic urethra, where it ends as the ejaculatory duct. Also called deferent duct, spermatic duct, spermiduct.
vas deferens
(vās’ děf’ə-rěnz’)
Plural vasa deferentia (vā’zə děf’ə-rěn’shē-ə)
Either of two ducts through which sperm passes from a testis to the outside of the body. In mammals, the vas deferens connects the testis to the urethra.

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