the queen of Ahasuerus who was banished for refusing to appear before the king’s guests. Esther 1:9–22.
(Old Testament) the wife of the Persian king Ahasuerus: deposed for refusing to display her beauty before his guests (Esther 1–2) Douay spelling Vasthi
beautiful, the queen of Ahasuerus, who was deposed from her royal dignity because she refused to obey the king when he desired her to appear in the banqueting hall of Shushan the palace (Esther 1:10-12). (See ESTHER.)
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- Vasifaction
vasifaction vas·i·fac·tion (vās’ə-fāk’shən) n. See angiopoiesis. vas’i·fac’tive adj.
- Vasiform
adjective 1. having the form of a duct or tube. 2. having the shape of a vase. vasiform vas·i·form (vās’ə-fôrm’) adj. Shaped like a vas or tubular structure.
- Vasitis
vasitis vas·i·tis (və-sī’tĭs, vā-) n. See deferentitis.
- Vaso-
1. a combining form meaning “vessel,” used in the formation of compound words: vasoconstrictor. combining form 1. indicating a blood vessel: vasodilator 2. indicating the vas deferens: vasectomy vaso- or vas- pref. Blood vessel: vasoconstriction. Vas deferens: vasectomy. Vessel: vasiform.
- Vasoactive
adjective, Physiology, Pharmacology. 1. of or relating to a substance, drug, or event that changes the diameter of a blood vessel. adjective 1. affecting the diameter of blood vessels: vasoactive peptides vasoactive va·so·ac·tive (vā’zō-āk’tĭv) adj. Causing constriction or dilation of blood vessels.