vasoreflex va·so·re·flex (vā’zō-rē’flěks’)
A reflex that increases or decreases the caliber of blood vessels.
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- Vasorelaxation
vasorelaxation va·so·re·lax·a·tion (vā’zō-rē’lāk-sā’shən) n. Reduction in tension of the blood vessel walls.
- Vasosection
vasosection va·so·sec·tion (vā’zō-sěk’shən) n. See vasotomy.
- Vasosensory
vasosensory va·so·sen·so·ry (vā’zō-sěn’sə-rē) adj. Relating to sensation in the blood vessels. Of or relating to sensory nerve fibers that innervate blood vessels.
- Vasospasm
noun 1. sudden constriction of an artery, leading to a decrease in its diameter and in the amount of blood it can deliver. vasospasm va·so·spasm (vā’zō-spāz’əm) n. A sudden constriction of a blood vessel that reduces the blood flow. Also called angiospasm. va’so·spas’tic (-spās’tĭk) adj.
- Vasostimulant
[vas-oh-stim-yuh-luh nt, vey-zoh-] /ˌvæs oʊˈstɪm yə lənt, ˌveɪ zoʊ-/ adjective 1. stimulating the action of the vasomotor nerves. noun 2. a vasostimulant agent, as a drug. vasostimulant va·so·stim·u·lant (vā’zō-stĭm’yə-lənt) adj. Exciting vasomotor action. n. An agent that excites the vasomotor nerves to action. An agent that increases vascular tension.