vasotonia va·so·to·ni·a (vā’zō-tō’nē-ə)
The tone of blood vessels, particularly of the arterioles. Also called angiotonia.
va’so·ton’ic (-tŏn’ĭk) adj.
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- Vasotonic
adjective, Physiology. 1. pertaining to or regulating the tone of the blood vessels.
- Vasotripsy
vasotripsy va·so·trip·sy (vā’zə-trĭp’sē) n. See angiotripsy.
- Vasotrophic
vasotrophic va·so·troph·ic (vā’zə-trŏf’ĭk, -trō’fĭk) adj. Relating to the nutrition of the blood vessels or lymphatics.
- Vasotropic
vasotropic va·so·trop·ic (vā’zə-trŏp’ĭk, -trō’pĭk) adj. Tending to act on the blood vessels.
- Vasovagal
vasovagal va·so·va·gal (vā’zō-vā’gəl) adj. Relating to or involving blood vessels and the vagus nerve.