[vid-ee-oh-kon-fer-uh n-sing, -fruh n-] /ˈvɪd i oʊˌkɒn fər ən sɪŋ, -frən-/
the holding of videoconferences.
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noun a dating service offering video recordings of prospective dates to its clients; also, the practice of dating by using such a service Word Origin 1975
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communications A means by which telephone companies can deliver “television” programs on a common carrier basis and, by law, provide equal access to all. [What does this mean?] (1996-12-01)
- Videodisc
noun 1. See under record (def 17). verb (used with object) 1. to set down in writing or the like, as for the purpose of preserving evidence. 2. to cause to be set down or registered: to record one’s vote. 3. to state or indicate: He recorded his protest, but it was disregarded. 4. to […]
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noun 1. Computers. a computer terminal consisting of a screen on which data or graphics can be displayed. Abbreviation: VDT. video display terminal (vĭd’ē-ō’) A computer terminal having a video display that uses a cathode-ray tube.