used to promote the healing of wounds, as herbs or other remedies.
noun, plural vulneraries.
a remedy for wounds.
of, relating to, or used to heal a wound
noun (pl) -aries
a vulnerary drug or agent
vulnerary vul·ner·ar·y (vŭl’nə-rěr’ē)
Used in the healing or treating of wounds. n.
A remedy used in healing or treating wounds.
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noun, genitive Vulpeculae [vuhl-pek-yuh-lee] /vʌlˈpɛk yəˌli/ (Show IPA). Astronomy. 1. the Little Fox, a northern constellation between Cygnus and Aquila. noun (Latin genitive) Vulpeculae (vʌlˈpɛkjʊˌliː) 1. a faint constellation in the N hemisphere lying between Cygnus and Aquila
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adjective 1. pertaining to or resembling a fox; vulpine.
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adjective 1. of or resembling a fox. 2. cunning or crafty. adjective 1. Also vulpecular (vʌlˈpɛkjʊlə). of, relating to, or resembling a fox 2. possessing the characteristics often attributed to foxes; crafty, clever, etc
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