vulvectomy vul·vec·to·my (vŭl-věk’tə-mē)
Surgical removal of the vulva.
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noun, Pathology. 1. inflammation of the vulva. noun 1. inflammation of the vulva vulvitis vul·vi·tis (vŭl-vī’tĭs) n. Inflammation of the vulva.
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vulvo- or vulv- pref. Vulva: vulvitis.
- Vulvovaginal gland
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- Vulvovaginitis
[vuhl-voh-vaj-uh-nahy-tis] /ˌvʌl voʊˌvædʒ əˈnaɪ tɪs/ noun, Pathology. 1. inflammation of the vulva and vagina. vulvovaginitis /ˌvʌlvəʊˌvædʒɪˈnaɪtɪs/ noun 1. inflammation of the vulva and vagina or of the small glands (vulvovaginal glands) on either side of the lower part of the vagina vulvovaginitis vul·vo·vag·i·ni·tis (vŭl’vō-vāj’ə-nī’tĭs) n. Inflammation of the vulva and vagina, or of the vulvovaginal […]
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