
adjective, wearier, weariest.
physically or mentally exhausted by hard work, exertion, strain, etc.; fatigued; tired:
weary eyes; a weary brain.
characterized by or causing fatigue:
a weary journey.
impatient or dissatisfied with something (often followed by of):
weary of excuses.
characterized by or causing impatience or dissatisfaction; tedious; irksome:
a weary wait.
verb (used with or without object), wearied, wearying.
to make or become weary; fatigue or tire:
The long hours of work have wearied me.
to make or grow impatient or dissatisfied with something or at having too much of something (often followed by of):
The long drive had wearied us of desert scenery. We had quickly wearied at such witless entertainment.
adjective -rier, -riest
tired or exhausted
causing fatigue or exhaustion
caused by or suggestive of weariness: a weary laugh
(postpositive; often foll by of or with) discontented or bored, esp by the long continuance of something
verb -ries, -rying, -ried
to make or become weary
to make or become discontented or impatient, esp by the long continuance of something

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