
noun, plural weasels (especially collectively) weasel.
any small carnivore of the genus Mustela, of the family Mustelidae, having a long, slender body and feeding chiefly on small rodents.
any of various similar animals of the family Mustelidae.
a cunning, sneaky person.
a tracked vehicle resembling a tractor, used in snow.
Slang. an informer; stool pigeon.
verb (used without object)
to evade an obligation, duty, or the like; renege (often followed by out):
That’s one invitation I’d like to weasel out of.
to use weasel words; be ambiguous; mislead:
Upon cross-examination the witness began to weasel.
Slang. to inform.
noun (pl) -sels, -sel
any of various small predatory musteline mammals of the genus Mustela and related genera, esp M. nivalis (European weasel), having reddish-brown fur, an elongated body and neck, and short legs
(informal) a sly or treacherous person
(mainly US) a motor vehicle for use in snow, esp one with caterpillar tracks
wear the pants

jargon, abuse
(Cambridge) A naive user, one who deliberately or accidentally does things that are stupid or ill-advised. Roughly synonymous with loser.
[Jargon File]

(Heb. holedh), enumerated among unclean animals (Lev. 11:29). Some think that this Hebrew word rather denotes the mole (Spalax typhlus) common in Palestine. There is no sufficient reason, however, to depart from the usual translation. The weasel tribe are common also in Palestine.

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