
the state of the atmosphere with respect to wind, temperature, cloudiness, moisture, pressure, etc.
a strong wind or storm or strong winds and storms collectively:
We’ve had some real weather this spring.
a weathercast:
The radio announcer will read the weather right after the commercial.
Usually, weathers. changes or vicissitudes in one’s lot or fortunes:
She remained a good friend in all weathers.
verb (used with object)
to expose to the weather; dry, season, or otherwise affect by exposure to the air or atmosphere:
to weather lumber before marketing it.
to discolor, disintegrate, or affect injuriously, as by the effects of weather:
These crumbling stones have been weathered by the centuries.
to bear up against and come safely through (a storm, danger, trouble, etc.):
to weather a severe illness.
Nautical. (of a ship, mariner, etc.) to pass or sail to the windward of:
to weather a cape.
Architecture. to cause to slope, so as to shed water.
verb (used without object)
to undergo change, especially discoloration or disintegration, as the result of exposure to atmospheric conditions.
to endure or resist exposure to the weather:
a coat that weathers well.
to go or come safely through a storm, danger, trouble, etc. (usually followed by through):
It was a difficult time for her, but she weathered through beautifully.
under the weather, Informal.

somewhat indisposed; ailing; ill.
suffering from a hangover.
more or less drunk:
Many fatal accidents are caused by drivers who are under the weather.


the day-to-day meteorological conditions, esp temperature, cloudiness, and rainfall, affecting a specific place Compare climate (sense 1)
(modifier) relating to the forecasting of weather: a weather ship

a prevailing state or condition
make heavy weather

(of a vessel) to roll and pitch in heavy seas
(foll by of) to carry out with great difficulty or unnecessarily great effort

(informal) under the weather

not in good health

(prenominal) on or at the side or part towards the wind; windward: the weather anchor Compare lee (sense 4)
to expose or be exposed to the action of the weather
to undergo or cause to undergo changes, such as discoloration, due to the action of the weather
(intransitive) to withstand the action of the weather
when intr, foll by through. to endure (a crisis, danger, etc)
(transitive) to slope (a surface, such as a roof, sill, etc) so as to throw rainwater clear
(transitive) to sail to the windward of: to weather a point
The state of the atmosphere at a particular time and place. Weather is described in terms of variable conditions such as temperature, humidity, wind velocity, precipitation, and barometric pressure. Weather on Earth occurs primarily in the troposphere, or lower atmosphere, and is driven by energy from the Sun and the rotation of the Earth. The average weather conditions of a region over time are used to define a region’s climate.

weather definition

The daily conditions of the atmosphere in terms of temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind, and moisture.

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