
condition with reference to place; location; situation.
a place occupied or to be occupied; site:
a fortified position.
the proper, appropriate, or usual place:
out of position.
situation or condition, especially with relation to favorable or unfavorable circumstances:
to be in an awkward position; to bargain from a position of strength.
status or standing:
He has a position to maintain in the community.
high standing, as in society; important status:
a person of wealth and position.
a post of employment:
a position in a bank.
manner of being placed, disposed, or arranged:
the relative position of the hands of a clock.
bodily posture or attitude:
to be in a sitting position.
mental attitude; stand:
one’s position on a controversial topic.
the act of positing.
something that is posited.
Ballet. any of the five basic positions of the feet with which every step or movement begins and ends.
Compare first position, second position, third position, fourth position, fifth position.

the arrangement of tones in a chord, especially with regard to the location of the root tone in a triad or to the distance of the tones from each other.
Compare close position, inversion (def 8a), open position, root position.
any of the places on the fingerboard of a stringed instrument where the fingers stop the strings to produce the variouspitches.
any of the places to which the slide of a trombone is shifted to produce changes in pitch.

Finance. a commitment to buy or sell securities:
He took a large position in defense stocks.
Classical Prosody. the situation of a short vowel before two or more consonants or their equivalent, making the syllable metrically long.
verb (used with object)
to put in a particular or appropriate position; place.
to determine the position of; locate.
the place, situation, or location of a person or thing: he took up a position to the rear
the appropriate or customary location: the telescope is in position for use
the arrangement or disposition of the body or a part of the body: the corpse was found in a sitting position
the manner in which a person or thing is placed; arrangement
(military) an area or point occupied for tactical reasons
mental attitude; point of view; stand: what’s your position on this issue?
social status or standing, esp high social standing
a post of employment; job
the act of positing a fact or viewpoint
something posited, such as an idea, proposition, etc
(sport) the part of a field or playing area where a player is placed or where he generally operates

the vertical spacing or layout of the written notes in a chord. Chords arranged with the three upper voices close together are in close position. Chords whose notes are evenly or widely distributed are in open position See also root position
one of the points on the fingerboard of a stringed instrument, determining where a string is to be stopped

(in classical prosody)

the situation in which a short vowel may be regarded as long, that is, when it occurs before two or more consonants
make position, (of a consonant, either on its own or in combination with other consonants, such as x in Latin) to cause a short vowel to become metrically long when placed after it

(finance) the market commitment of a dealer in securities, currencies, or commodities: a long position, a short position
(foll by an infinitive) in a position, able (to): I’m not in a position to reveal these figures
verb (transitive)
to put in the proper or appropriate place; locate
(sport) to place (oneself or another player) in a particular part of the field or playing area
to put (someone or something) in a position (esp in relation to others) that confers a strategic advantage: he’s trying to position himself for a leadership bid
(marketing) to promote (a product or service) by tailoring it to the needs of a specific market or by clearly differentiating it from its competitors (e.g. in terms of price or quality)
(rare) to locate or ascertain the position of

position po·si·tion (pə-zĭsh’ən)

A place occupied.

A bodily attitude or posture, especially a posture assumed by a patient to facilitate the performance of diagnostic, surgical, or therapeutic procedures.

The relation of an arbitrarily chosen portion of the fetus to the right or left side of the mother.

position v.
po·si’tion·al adj.

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