
verb (used with object), put, putting.
to move or place (anything) so as to get it into or out of a specific location or position:
to put a book on the shelf.
to bring into some relation, state, etc.:
to put everything in order.
to place in the charge or power of a person, institution, etc.:
to put a child in a special school.
to subject to the endurance or suffering of something:
to put convicted spies to death.
to set to a duty, task, action, etc.:
I put him to work setting the table.
to force or drive to some course or action:
to put an army to flight.
to render or translate, as into another language:
He put the novel into French.
to provide (words) with music as accompaniment; set:
to put a poem to music.
to assign or attribute:
You put a political interpretation on everything.
to set at a particular place, point, amount, etc., in a scale of estimation:
I’d put the distance at five miles.
to bet or wager:
to put two dollars on a horse.
to express or state:
To put it mildly, I don’t understand.
to apply, as to a use or purpose:
to put one’s knowledge to practical use.
to set, give, or make:
to put an end to an ancient custom.
to propose or submit for answer, consideration, deliberation, etc.:
to put a question before a committee.
to impose, as a burden, charge, or the like:
to put a tax on luxury articles.
to invest (often followed by in or into):
to put one’s money in real estate; to put one’s savings into securities.
to lay the blame of (usually followed by on, to, etc.):
He put my failure to lack of experience.
to throw or cast, especially with a forward motion of the hand when raised close to the shoulder:
to put the shot.
verb (used without object), put, putting.
to go, move, or proceed:
to put to sea.
Informal. to begin to travel:
to put for home.
to shoot out or grow, or send forth shoots or sprouts.
a throw or cast, especially one made with a forward motion of the hand when raised close to the shoulder.
Also called put option. Finance. an option that gives the right to sell a fixed amount of a particular stock at a predetermined price within a given time, purchased by a person who expects the stock to decline.
Compare call (def 52).
Verb phrases
put about,

Nautical. to change direction, as on a course.
to start (a rumor); circulate.
to inconvenience; trouble.
to disturb; worry.
to turn in a different direction.

put across,

to cause to be understood or received favorably:
She put across her new idea. He puts himself across well.
to do successfully; accomplish:
to put a project across.
to be successful in (a form of deception):
It was obviously a lie, but he put it across.

put aside/by,

to store up; save.
Also, set aside. to put out of the way; place to one side:
Put aside your books and come for a walk.

put away,

to put in the designated place for storage:
Put away the groceries as soon as you get home.
to save, especially for later use:
to put away a few dollars each week.
to discard:
Put away those childish notions.
to drink or eat, especially in a large quantity; finish off:
to put away a hearty supper after jogging.
to confine in a jail or a mental institution:
He was put away for four years.
to put to death by humane means:
The dog was so badly injured that the veterinarian had to put it away.

put down,

to write down; register; record.
to enter in a list, as of subscribers or contributors:
Put me down for a $10 donation.
to suppress; check; squelch:
to put down a rebellion.
to attribute; ascribe:
We put your mistakes down to nervousness.
to regard or categorize:
He was put down as a chronic complainer.
Informal. to criticize, especially in a contemptuous manner; disparage; belittle.
Informal. to humble, humiliate, or embarrass.
to pay as a deposit.
to store for future use:
to put down a case of wine.
to dig or sink, as a well.
to put (an animal) to death; put away.
to land an aircraft or in an aircraft:
We put down at Orly after six hours.

put forth,

to bring out; bear; grow:
The trees are putting forth new green shoots.
to propose; present:
No one has put forth a workable solution.
to bring to public notice; publish:
A new interpretation of the doctrine has been put forth.
to exert; exercise:
We will have to put forth our best efforts to win.
to set out; depart:
Dark clouds threatened as we put forth from the shore.

put forward,

to propose; advance:
I hesitated to put forward my plan.
to nominate, promote, or support, as for a position:
We put him forward for treasurer.

put in,

Also, put into. Nautical. to enter a port or harbor, especially for shelter, repairs, or provisions.
to interpose; intervene.
to spend (time) as indicated.

put in for, to apply for or request (something):
I put in for a transfer to another department.
put off,

to postpone; defer.
to confuse or perturb; disconcert; repel:
We were put off by the book’s abusive tone.
to get rid of by delay or evasion.
to lay aside; take off.
to start out, as on a voyage.
to launch (a boat) from shore or from another vessel:
They began to put off the lifeboats as the fire spread.

put on,

to clothe oneself with (an article of clothing).
to assume insincerely or falsely; pretend.
to assume; adopt.
to inflict; impose.
to cause to be performed; produce; stage.
Informal. to tease (a person), especially by pretending the truth of something that is untrue:
You can’t be serious—you’re putting me on, aren’t you?
to act in a pretentious or ostentatious manner; exaggerate:
All that putting on didn’t impress anyone.

put out,

to extinguish, as a fire.
to confuse; embarrass.
to be vexed or annoyed:
He was put out when I missed our appointment.
to subject to inconvenience.
Baseball, Softball, Cricket. to cause to be removed from an opportunity to reach base or score; retire.
to publish.
to go out to sea.
to manufacture; prepare; produce.
to exert; apply:
They were putting out their best efforts.
Slang: Vulgar. (of a woman) to engage in coitus.

put over,

to succeed in; accomplish:
It will take an exceptional administrator to put over this reorganization.
to postpone; defer:
Discussion of this point will be put over until new evidence is introduced.

put through,

to complete successfully; execute:
He was not able to put through his project.
to bring about; effect:
The proposed revisions have not as yet been put through.
to make a telephone connection for:
Put me through to Los Angeles.
to make (a telephone connection):
Put a call through to Hong Kong.
to cause to undergo or endure:
She’s been put through a lot the past year.

put up,

to construct; erect.
to can (vegetables, fruits, etc.); preserve (jam, jelly, etc.).
to set or arrange (the hair).
to provide (money); contribute.
to accommodate; lodge.
to display; show.
to stake (money) to support a wager.
to propose as a candidate; nominate:
Someone is going to put him up for president.
to offer, especially for public sale.
Archaic. to sheathe one’s sword; stop fighting.

put upon, to take unfair advantage of; impose upon:
Some of the employees felt put upon when they were asked to work late.
put up to, to provoke; prompt; incite:
Someone put him up to calling us.
put up with, to endure; tolerate; bear:
I couldn’t put up with the noise any longer.
put it to, Slang.

to overburden with work, blame, etc.:
They really put it to him in officer-training school.
to take advantage of; cheat:
That used car dealer put it to me good.

put oneself out, to take pains; go to trouble or expense:
She has certainly put herself out to see that everyone is comfortable.
put something over on, to take advantage of; deceive:
He suspected that his friend had put something over on him, but he had no proof.
put to it, to be confronted with a problem; have difficulty:
We were put to it to find the missing notebook.
stay put, Informal. to remain in the same position; refuse to move:
The baby wouldn’t stay put, and kept trying to climb out of the playpen.
verb (mainly transitive) puts, putting, put
to cause to be (in a position or place): to put a book on the table
to cause to be (in a state, relation, etc): to put one’s things in order
(foll by to) to cause (a person) to experience the endurance or suffering (of): to put to death, to put to the sword
to set or commit (to an action, task, or duty), esp by force: he put him to work
to render, transform, or translate: to put into English
to set (words) in a musical form (esp in the phrase put to music)
(foll by at) to estimate: he put the distance at fifty miles
(foll by to) to utilize (for the purpose of): he put his knowledge to good use
(foll by to) to couple a female animal (with a male) for the purpose of breeding: the farmer put his heifer to the bull
to state; express: to put it bluntly
to set or make (an end or limit): he put an end to the proceedings
to present for consideration in anticipation of an answer or vote; propose: he put the question to the committee, I put it to you that one day you will all die
to invest (money) in; give (support) to: he put five thousand pounds into the project
to impart: to put zest into a party
to throw or cast
not know where to put oneself, to feel awkward or embarrassed
put paid to, to destroy irrevocably and utterly: the manager’s disfavour put paid to their hopes for promotion
stay put, to refuse to leave; keep one’s position
a throw or cast, esp in putting the shot
(stock exchange) Also called put option. an option to sell a stated amount of securities at a specified price during a specified limited period Compare call (sense 58)

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