
verb (used with object), regulated, regulating.
to control or direct by a rule, principle, method, etc.:
to regulate household expenses.
to adjust to some standard or requirement, as amount, degree, etc.:
to regulate the temperature.
to adjust so as to ensure accuracy of operation:
to regulate a watch.
to put in good order:
to regulate the digestion.
adjective (well regulated when postpositive)
(of a business, military outfit, routine, etc) controlled or supervised to conform to rules, regulations, tradition, etc: a well-regulated militia
verb (transitive)
to adjust (the amount of heat, sound, etc, of something) as required; control
to adjust (an instrument or appliance) so that it operates correctly
to bring into conformity with a rule, principle, or usage

regulate reg·u·late (rěg’yə-lāt’)
v. reg·u·lat·ed, reg·u·lat·ing, reg·u·lates

To control or direct according to rule, principle, or law.

To adjust to a particular specification or requirement.

To adjust a mechanism for accurate and proper functioning.

To put or maintain in order.

reg’u·la’tive or reg’u·la·to’ry (-lə-tôr’ē) adj.
reg’u·la’tor n.

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