
verb (used with object)
to act or behave toward (a person) in some specified way:
to treat someone with respect.
to consider or regard in a specified way, and deal with accordingly:
to treat a matter as unimportant.
to deal with (a disease, patient, etc.) in order to relieve or cure.
to deal with in speech or writing; discuss.
to deal with, develop, or represent artistically, especially in some specified manner or style:
to treat a theme realistically.
to subject to some agent or action in order to bring about a particular result:
to treat a substance with an acid.
to entertain; give hospitality to:
He treats diplomats in the lavish surroundings of his country estate.
to provide food, entertainment, gifts, etc., at one’s own expense:
Let me treat you to dinner.
verb (used without object)
to deal with a subject in speech or writing; discourse:
a work that treats of the caste system in India.
to give, or bear the expense of, a treat:
Is it my turn to treat?
to carry on negotiations with a view to a settlement; discuss terms of settlement; negotiate.
entertainment, food, drink, etc., given by way of compliment or as an expression of friendly regard.
anything that affords particular pleasure or enjoyment.
the act of treating.
one’s turn to treat.
adjective (well treated when postpositive)
not subjected to threats, harm, or other bad treatment: hostages were well treated
a celebration, entertainment, gift, or feast given for or to someone and paid for by another
any delightful surprise or specially pleasant occasion
the act of treating
(transitive) to deal with or regard in a certain manner: she treats school as a joke
(transitive) to apply treatment to: to treat a patient for malaria
(transitive) to subject to a process or to the application of a substance: to treat photographic film with developer
(transitive; often foll by to) to provide (someone) (with) as a treat: he treated the children to a trip to the zoo
(formal) (intransitive) usually foll by of. to deal (with), as in writing or speaking
(intransitive) (formal) to discuss settlement; negotiate

treat (trēt)
v. treat·ed, treat·ing, treats

To give medical aid to someone.

To give medical aid to counteract a disease or condition.

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