
verb (used with object)
to determine or ascertain the force that gravitation exerts upon (a person or thing) by use of a balance, scale, or other mechanical device:
to weigh oneself; to weigh potatoes; to weigh gases.
to hold up or balance, as in the hand, in order to estimate the weight.
to measure, separate, or apportion (a certain quantity of something) according to weight (usually followed by out):
to weigh out five pounds of sugar.
to make heavy; increase the weight or bulk of; weight:
We weighed the drapes to make them hang properly.
to evaluate in the mind; consider carefully in order to reach an opinion, decision, or choice:
to weigh the facts; to weigh a proposal.
Archaic. to raise, lift, or hoist (something).
Obsolete. to think important; esteem.
verb (used without object)
to have weight or a specified amount of weight:
to weigh less; to weigh a ton.
to have importance, moment, or consequence:
Your recommendation weighs heavily in his favor.
to bear down as a weight or burden (usually followed by on or upon):
Responsibility weighed upon her.
to consider carefully or judicially:
to weigh well before deciding.
(of a ship) to raise the anchor and get under way:
The ship weighed early and escaped in the fog.
Verb phrases
weigh down,

to cause to become bowed under a weight:
snow and ice weighing down the trees.
to lower the spirits of; burden; depress:
This predicament weighs me down.

weigh in,

(of a boxer or wrestler) to be weighed by a medical examiner on the day of a bout.
to be of the weight determined by such a weighing:
He weighed in at 170 pounds.
(of a jockey) to be weighed with the saddle and weights after a race.
Informal. to offer an opinion, advice, support, etc., especially in a forceful or authoritative way:
The chairman weighed in with an idea for the fundraiser.

weigh out, Horse Racing.

to be weighed with the saddle and weights before a race.
to be of the weight determined by such a weighing.

weigh anchor, Nautical. to heave up a ship’s anchor in preparation for getting under way.
weigh one’s words. word (def 29).
(transitive) to measure the weight of
(intransitive) to have weight or be heavy: she weighs more than her sister
(transitive) often foll by out. to apportion according to weight
(transitive) to consider carefully: to weigh the facts of a case
(intransitive) to be influential: his words weighed little with the jury
(intransitive) often foll by on. to be oppressive or burdensome (to)
(obsolete) to regard or esteem
weigh anchor, to raise a vessel’s anchor or (of a vessel) to have its anchor raised preparatory to departure
under weigh, a variant spelling of under way

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