
a unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds or their written representation, that functions as a principal carrier of meaning. Words are composed of one or more morphemes and are either the smallest units susceptible of independent use or consist of two or three such units combined under certain linking conditions, as with the loss of primary accent that distinguishes black·bird· from black· bird·. Words are usually separated by spaces in writing, and are distinguished phonologically, as by accent, in many languages.
(used in combination with the first letter of an offensive or unmentionable word, the first letter being lowercase or uppercase, with or without a following hyphen):
My mom married at 20, and she mentions the m-word every time I meet someone she thinks is eligible.
See also f-word, n-word.

speech or talk: to express one’s emotion in words;
Words mean little when action is called for.
the text or lyrics of a song as distinguished from the music.
contentious or angry speech; a quarrel:
We had words and she walked out on me.

a short talk or conversation:
Marston, I’d like a word with you.
an expression or utterance:
a word of warning.
warrant, assurance, or promise:
I give you my word I’ll be there.
news; tidings; information:
We received word of his death.
a verbal signal, as a password, watchword, or countersign.
an authoritative utterance, or command:
His word was law.
Also called machine word. Computers. a string of bits, characters, or bytes treated as a single entity by a computer, particularly for numeric purposes.
(initial capital letter). Also called the Word, the Word of God.

the Scriptures; the Bible.
the Logos.
the message of the gospel of Christ.

a proverb or motto.
verb (used with object)
to express in words; select words to express; phrase:
to word a contract with great care.
at a word, in immediate response to an order or request; in an instant:
At a word they came to take the situation in hand.
be as good as one’s word, to hold to one’s promises.
eat one’s words, to retract one’s statement, especially with humility:
They predicted his failure, but he made them eat their words.
have a word, to talk briefly:
Tell your aunt that I would like to have a word with her.
have no words for, to be unable to describe:
She had no words for the sights she had witnessed.
in a word, in summary; in short:
In a word, there was no comparison.
Also, in one word.
in so many words, in unequivocal terms; explicitly:
She told them in so many words to get out.
keep one’s word, to fulfill one’s promise:
I said I’d meet the deadline, and I kept my word.
man of his word / woman of her word, a person who can be trusted to keep a promise; a reliable person.
(upon) my word!, (used as an exclamation of surprise or astonishment.)
of few words, laconic; taciturn:
a woman of few words but of profound thoughts.
of many words, talkative; loquacious; wordy:
a person of many words but of little wit.
put in a good word for, to speak favorably of; commend:
He put in a good word for her with the boss.
Also, put in a word for.
take one at one’s word, to take a statement to be literal and true.
take the words out of one’s mouth, to say exactly what another person was about to say.
weigh one’s words, to choose one’s words carefully in speaking or writing:
It was an important message, and he was weighing his words.
one of the units of speech or writing that native speakers of a language usually regard as the smallest isolable meaningful element of the language, although linguists would analyse these further into morphemes related adjective lexical verbal
an instance of vocal intercourse; chat, talk, or discussion: to have a word with someone
an utterance or expression, esp a brief one: a word of greeting
news or information: he sent word that he would be late
a verbal signal for action; command: when I give the word, fire!
an undertaking or promise: I give you my word, he kept his word
an autocratic decree or utterance; order: his word must be obeyed
a watchword or slogan, as of a political party: the word now is “freedom”
(computing) a set of bits used to store, transmit, or operate upon an item of information in a computer, such as a program instruction
as good as one’s word, doing what one has undertaken or promised to do
at a word, at once
by word of mouth, orally rather than by written means
in a word, briefly or in short
my word!

an exclamation of surprise, annoyance, etc
(Austral) an exclamation of agreement

of one’s word, given to or noted for keeping one’s promises: I am a man of my word
put in a word for, put in a good word for, to make favourable mention of (someone); recommend
take someone at his word, take someone at her word, to assume that someone means, or will do, what he or she says: when he told her to go, she took him at his word and left
take someone’s word for it, to accept or believe what someone says
the last word

the closing remark of a conversation or argument, esp a remark that supposedly settles an issue
the latest or most fashionable design, make, or model: the last word in bikinis
the finest example (of some quality, condition, etc): the last word in luxury

the word, the proper or most fitting expression: cold is not the word for it, it’s freezing!
upon my word!

(archaic) on my honour
an exclamation of surprise, annoyance, etc

word for word

(of a report, transcription, etc) using exactly the same words as those employed in the situation being reported; verbatim
translated by substituting each word in the new text for each corresponding word in the original rather than by general sense

word of honour, a promise; oath
(modifier) of, relating to, or consisting of words: a word list
(transitive) to state in words, usually specially selected ones; phrase
(Austral, informal) (transitive) often foll by up. to inform or advise (a person)
noun the Word
(Christianity) the 2nd person of the Trinity
Scripture, the Bible, or the Gospels as embodying or representing divine revelation Often called the Word of God

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