
1st Duke of (Arthur Wellesley”the Iron Duke”) 1769–1852, British general and statesman, born in Ireland: prime minister 1828–30.
Wellington boot.
a seaport in and the capital of New Zealand, on S North Island.
beef Wellington.
a country in the S Pacific, SE of Australia, consisting of North Island, South Island, and adjacent small islands: a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. 103,416 sq. mi. (267,845 sq. km).
Capital: Wellington.
Wellington boot
or wellington boot
a leather boot with the front part of the top extending above the knee.
a rubber or water-repellent leather boot extending to the knee or somewhat below it.
half Wellington.
an administrative district, formerly a province, of New Zealand, on SW North Island: major livestock producer in New Zealand. Capital: Wellington. Pop: 456 900 (2004 est). Area: 28 153 sq km (10 870 sq miles)
the capital city of New Zealand. Its port, historically Port Nicholson, on Wellington Harbour has a car and rail ferry link between the North and South Islands; university (1899). Pop: 182 600 (2004 est)
1st Duke of, title of Arthur Wellesley. 1769–1852, British soldier and statesman; prime minister (1828–30). He was given command of the British forces against the French in the Peninsular War (1808–14) and routed Napoleon at Waterloo (1815)
an independent dominion within the Commonwealth, occupying two main islands (the North Island and the South Island), Stewart Island, the Chatham Islands, and a number of minor islands in the SE Pacific: original Māori inhabitants ceded sovereignty to the British government in 1840; became a dominion in 1907; a major world exporter of dairy products, wool, and meat. Official languages: English and Māori. Religion: Christian majority, nonreligious and Māori minorities. Currency: New Zealand dollar. Capital: Wellington. Pop: 4 365 113 (2013 est). Area: 270 534 sq km (104 454 sq miles)

New Zealand definition

Nation in the southern Pacific Ocean containing two principal islands — North Island and South Island — and several small outlying islands. Its capital is Wellington, and its largest city is Auckland.

Note: New Zealand is known for its sheep industry and spectacular scenery.

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