
See under Berlin (def 3).
Irving, 1888–1989, U.S. songwriter.
Isaiah, 1909–97, English political philosopher and historian, born in Latvia.
the capital of Germany, in the NE part: constitutes a state. 341 sq. mi. (883 sq. km). Formerly (1948-90) divided into a western zone (West Berlin) a part of West Germany; and an eastern zone (East Berlin) the capital of East Germany.
a town in central Connecticut.
a city in N New Hampshire.
(formerly) the part of Berlin under US, British, and French control
(sometimes capital) Also called berlin wool. a fine wool yarn used for tapestry work, etc
a four-wheeled two-seated covered carriage, popular in the 18th century
a limousine with a glass partition between the front and rear seats
the capital of Germany (1871–1945 and from 1990), formerly divided (1945–90) into the eastern sector, capital of East Germany, and the western sectors, which formed an exclave in East German territory closely affiliated with West Germany: a wall dividing the sectors was built in 1961 by the East German authorities to stop the flow of refugees from east to west; demolition of the wall began in 1989 and the city was formally reunited in 1990: formerly (1618–1871) the capital of Brandenburg and Prussia. Pop: 3 388 477 (2003 est)
Irving. original name Israel Baline, 1888–1989, US composer and writer of lyrics, born in Russia. His musical comedies include Annie Get Your Gun (1946); his most popular song is White Christmas
Sir Isaiah. 1909–97, British philosopher, born in Latvia, historian, and diplomat. His books include Historical Inevitability (1954) and The Magus of the North (1993)

Berlin definition

Capital of reunited Germany, located in the northeastern part of the country.

Note: Formerly the capital of Prussia and then of Germany, Berlin was occupied by American, British, French, and Soviet troops after World War II. Disagreements among the Allies led to the partition of the city, with the Soviet zone becoming East Berlin, and the other zones West Berlin. East Berlin became the capital of the communist German Democratic Republic (East Germany), but West Berlin lost its capital status to Bonn in the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany).

Note: The Berlin Airlift of 1948–1949 supplied West Berlin by air transport after the Soviet Union set up a land and water blockade in an attempt to gain political control of this noncommunist “island” in the midst of communist East Germany.

Note: The two Berlins were physically separated by the Berlin Wall, a barrier designed to prevent East Germans from crossing into West Berlin, from 1961 to 1989.

Note: With the reunification of the two Germanys in 1990, the reunified city of Berlin was restored to its place as Germany’s capital.

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