
noun, Hunting.
the act or practice of shooting at birds in flight.

Read Also:

  • Wing-shot

    noun, Hunting. 1. a shot at a bird in flight. 2. an expert in shooting birds in flight. noun 1. a shot taken at a bird in flight 2. an expert at shooting birds in flight

  • Wing-skid

    noun, Aeronautics. 1. a skid attached to the wing tip of an airplane to prevent it from touching the ground.

  • Wings-of-the-dove

    [duhv] /dʌv/ noun 1. a novel (1902) by Henry James.

  • Wingspan

    noun 1. the distance between the wing tips of an airplane. 2. wingspread. noun 1. the distance between the wing tips of an aircraft, bird, etc

  • Wingspread

    noun 1. the distance between the most outward tips of the wings when they are as extended as possible.

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