
having alexia.

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  • Wordbook

    noun 1. a book of words, usually with definitions, explanations, etc.; a dictionary. 2. the libretto of an opera. noun 1. a book containing words, usually with their meanings 2. a libretto for an opera

  • Word-book

    noun 1. a book of words, usually with definitions, explanations, etc.; a dictionary. 2. the libretto of an opera. noun 1. a book containing words, usually with their meanings 2. a libretto for an opera

  • Wordbreak

    noun 1. (printing) the point at which a word is divided when it runs over from one line of print to the next

  • Word burst

    noun 1. a greater than normal rate of occurrence of a particular word in a given context, esp in weblogs

  • Word-class

    noun, Grammar. 1. a group of words all of which are members of the same form class or part of speech. noun 1. (linguistics) a form class in which the members are words See part of speech

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