American Type Culture Collection (ATCC)

American Type Culture Collection (ATCC): Although little known to the general public, the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) is a key resource for medical research. It is the world’s premier biological culture repository. The ATCC assures medical and other biological scientists a reliable source of over 60,000 authenticated, viable cultures of:

Algae & Protozoa
Bacteria & Bacteriophages
Cultured Cell Lines & Hybridomas
Fungi & Yeasts
Recombinant DNA Materials
Viruses & Virus Antisera
Plant Tissue Cultures
Culture Derived Products
Products for Culture Work

The ATCC does research to improve the propagation, preservation, classification, and characterization of cultures and to develop new and enhanced culture products through in-house efforts and collaborative alliances. Established in 1925, the ATCC is now headquartered in Manassas, Virginia.

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