Amnesia: An impairment to or lack of memory. Antegrade amnesia refers to a lack of memory of events occurring after a traumatic event, whereas retrograde amnesia refers to lack of memory of events that occurred before the event.
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- Amniocentesis
A before-birth diagnostic procedure during which a long needle is used to obtain amniotic fluid from within the uterus. This fluid can be used for genetic and other diagnostic tests. Informally known as amnio.
- Amnion
Amnion: A thin membrane that surrounds the fetus during pregnancy. The amnion is the inner of the two fetal membranes (the chorion is the outer one), and it contains the amniotic fluid.
- Amnioreduction
Amnioreduction: The removal of large volumes of amniotic fluid by amniocentesis.
- Amniotic fluid
Amniotic fluid: The fluid bathing a fetus within the uterus, which serves as a shock absorber.
- Amok
Amok: A syndrome first reported in the Malay people, usually male, consisting of a period of brooding followed by a sudden outburst of indiscriminate murderous frenzy, sometimes provoked by an insult, jealousy or sense of desperation. The person who runs amok may also die in a form of murder-suicide. Spelled also amuck. The Malay word […]