Analogous: In anatomy, similar in appearance or function but otherwise different. Two structures may be analogous if they serve the same purpose but differ evolutionary in origin as, for example, human and insect legs. As compared to homologous.
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- Analysis
Analysis: In psychology, a term for conversation-based therapeutic processes used to gain understanding of complex emotional or behavioral issues.
- Analysis, linkage
Analysis, linkage: Study aimed at establishing linkage between genes. Today linkage analysis serves as a way of gene-hunting and genetic testing. Linkage is the tendency for genes and other genetic markers to be inherited together because of their location near one another on the same chromosome. A gene is a functional physical unit of heredity […]
- Analytic sensitivity
Analytic sensitivity: The lowest level of a substance that can be detected by an analytic method.
- Analytic specificity
Analytic specificity: How well an assay detects only a specific substance and does not detect closely related substances.
- Anaphia
Anaphia: The inability to feel touch. From the Greek prefix an, not + Greek haphe, touch = inability to (feel) touch. A person with anaphia is said to be anaptic.