Base pair

Base pair: Two DNA bases that are complementary to one another (A and T, or G and C) and join in strands to form the double-helix that is characteristic of DNA.

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  • Base sequence

    Base sequence: The particular order of nucleotide bases in a DNA molecule.

  • Base sequence analysis

    Base sequence analysis: A method for determining the order of nucleotide bases in DNA.

  • Base, pressor

    Base, pressor: A pressor base is a substance chemically classified as a base (or amine) that is capable of raising the blood pressure. “Pressor” refers to causing a rise in blood pressure. The word comes from the French verb “presser” meaning “to exert pressure” or “to squeeze.”

  • Baseline

    Baseline: Information or data gathered at the beginning of a period from which variations that subsequently develop are compared.

  • Basement membrane

    Basement membrane: A thin membrane that is composed of a single layer of cells.

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