Cleft palate prosthesis
Cleft palate prosthesis: A prosthetic device designed to close the opening left by a cleft (opening) in the palate and thereby to improve feeding and speech.
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- Cleft uvula
Cleft uvula: A common minor anomaly in which the uvula (the tissue that hangs down at the back of the palate) is cleft, or parted by a fissure. Persons with a cleft uvula should not have their adenoids removed because without the adenoids they cannot achieve proper closure between the soft palate and pharynx while […]
- Cleidocranial dysostosis
Cleidocranial dysostosis: A genetic disorder of bone development that is characterized by absent or incompletely formed collarbones and cranial and facial abnormalities that may include square skull, late closure of the sutures of the skull, late closure of the fontanels, low nasal bridge, delayed eruption of the teeth, and abnormal permanent teeth. A child with […]
- Cleidocranial dysplasia
A genetic (inherited) disorder of bone development characterized by: Absent or incompletely formed collar bones (the “cleido-” part refers to the clavicles, the collar bones) The child with this disorder can bring its shoulders together or nearly so; and Typical cranial and facial abnormalities with square skull, late closure of the sutures of the skull, […]
- Click-murmur syndrome
Click-murmur syndrome: Mitral valve prolapse (also known as “Barlow’s syndrome”), the most common heart valve abnormality, affecting 5% to 10% of the world population. Most patients have no symptoms and require no treatment, but some have fatigue and/or palpitations. The mitral valve prolapse can often be detected by a doctor during examination of the heart […]
- Climacteric
Climacteric: 1. The menopause in women. 2. The corresponding time in the life of men. From the Greek klimakter, meaning literally a rung of a ladder or figuratively a critical point. .