Craniosynostosis: Premature fusion of the sutures between the growth plates in an infant’s skull that prevents normal skull expansion. Craniosynostosis can cause an abnormally shaped skull. Premature closure of all the sutures can cause microcephaly (an abnormally small head), which prevents the normal growth of the brain and results in mental retardation. Treatment usually involves surgery.
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- Craniotomy
Craniotomy: A surgical operation in which an opening is made in the skull.
- Cranium
Cranium: The top portion of the skull, which protects the brain. The cranium includes the frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones.
- Crapulence
Crapulence: Sickness or indisposition resulting from an excess of drinking (or eating). Crapulence is an almost exact synonym for a hangover. See also: Crapulent.
- Crapulent
Crapulent: Ill from excessive drinking or eating. Surcharged with liquor, or sick with intemperance. The word comes from the Late Latin crapulentus (very drunk), from the Latin crapula (drunkenness). See: Crapulence.
CRC: 1. Colorectal cancer or colorectal carcinoma. 2. Clinical Research Center. 3. Canadian Research Council.