Dr. Andrew Weil
Dr. Andrew Weil: Dr. Andrew Weil is a physician and proponent of alternative medicine. Dr. Weil is the Director and founder of the Program in Integrative Medicine (PIM) at the University of Arizona in Tucson. His philosophy stresses combining traditional and alternative medicine for the overall well-being and health of the patient, emphasizing nutrition, exercise, and stress reduction techniques.
Dr. Weil has created a popular weight loss program based upon the philosophy of eating less and increasing the physical activity. His diet plan limits protein consumption to 10-20% of the diet, with unrefined carbohydrates accounting for 50-60% of food intake. Fats in the form of monounsaturated oils are permitted up to a total of 30% of food intake, and Dr. Weil also stresses the consumption of fiber. Experts such as the American Dietetic Association support Dr. Weil’s diet program as a sound approach to weight loss based upon proven and accepted nutritional principles.
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