Endocrine gland
Endocrine gland: A gland that secretes a substance (a hormone) into the bloodstream. The endocrine glands are “glands of internal secretion.” They include the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pineal gland, thyroid, parathyroid glands, heart (which makes atrial-natriuretic peptide), the stomach and intestines, islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, the adrenal glands, the kidney (which makes renin, erythropoietin, and calcitriol), fat cells (which make leptin). the testes, the ovarian follicle (estrogens) and the corpus luteum in the ovary).
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- Endocrinology
Endocrinology: The study of the medical aspects of hormones, including diseases and conditions associated with hormonal imbalance, damage to the glands that make hormones, or the use of synthetic or natural hormonal drugs. An endocrinologist is a physician who specializes in the management of hormone conditions.
- Endocrinopathy
Endocrinopathy: A disease of an endocrine gland. The term endocrinopathy is commonly used as a medical term for a hormone problem. Common endocrinopathies include hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
- Endoderm
Endoderm: One of the three primary germ cell layers — the other two are the mesoderm and ectoderm — in the very early embryo. The endoderm is the innermost of the three layers. It differentiates to give rise first to the embryonic gut and then to the linings of respiratory and digestive tracts and the […]
- Endodermal
Endodermal: Pertaining to the endoderm or to tissues derived from the endoderm.
- Endogenous
Endogenous: Inside. For example, endogenous cholesterol is cholesterol that is made inside the body and is not in the diet.