Prefix relating to a physician or medicine. An iatrogenic illness is one inadvertently caused by a physician. From the Greek word “iatros” meaning physician (healer).
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- Imbricate
Overlapping like shingles or tiles on a roof. The scales on a snake are imbricate. From the Latin imbricatus, covered with tiles.
- Imitrex
Brand name for sumatriptan, a triptan drug for the treatment of migraine.
- Immune
Protected against infection, usually by the presence of antibodies.
- Immune complex
A cluster of interlocking antigens and antibodies forming a large network of molecules. Also called an antigen-antibody complex.
- Immune response
Any reaction by the immune system. For example, poison ivy can cause an immune response in the skin characterized by inflammation with tiny blisters, and itching. Also, a flu shot is designed to produce an immune response by stimulating the production of antibodies against the flu virus.