IM (intramuscular)
An IM medication is given by needle into the muscle. This is as opposed to a medication that is given by a needle into the skin (intradermal) , just below the skin (subcutaneous) or into a vein (intravenous).
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- In situ, carcinoma
Cancer that has stayed in the place where it began and has not spread to neighboring tissues (for example, squamous cell carcinoma in situ).
- In vitro
In glass, as in a test tube. An in vitro test is one that is done in glass or plastic vessels in the laboratory. In vitro is the opposite of in vivo.
- In vitro fertilization
A laboratory procedure in which sperm are put in a special dish with unfertilized eggs to achieve fertilization. The embryos that result can be transferred into the uterus or frozen (cryopreserved) for future use. Abbreviated IVF.
- In vivo
In the living organism. For example, an experiment that is done in vivo is done in the body of a living organism as opposed to in a laboratory method that does not use the living organism as the host of the test. In vivo is the opposite of in vitro.
- In-law
A relative by marriage. An in-law is not a biologic relative. This distinction is of importance in a medical family history.