A type of brain tumor that tends to occur in children, arise in the cerebellum (in the lower part of the brain), and spread along the spine. Medulloblastoma is the most common type of primary brain tumor in childhood. Medulloblastomas occasionally metastasize outside the central nervous system, usually to bone. Treatment involves surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy.
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Acronym for medical evacuation. MEDVAC typically refers to a team that has the skills necessary for proper medical evacuation in emergency situations. Also known as MEDEVAC.
A transcription factor that participates in vascular development. MEF2A is a member of the myocyte enhancer factor-2 (MEF2) family of transcription factors. Messenger RNA (mRNA) from MEF2A has been detected in blood vessels during early embryogenesis. The gene for MEF2A is located on chromosome 15q26. A heritable deletion within the MEF2A gene that results in […]
- Mega- (prefix)
Megalocephaly is too large a head. Megacardia is too large a heart. Megacolon is too large a colon.
- Megabase
Unit of length for DNA fragments that is equal to 1 million nucleotides. A megabase (Mb) is roughly equal to 1 centiMorgan (cM).
- Megacolon
An abnormally enlarged colon. Megacolon can arise as a serious congenital problem in the newborn, caused by abnormal innervation of the colon and frequently requiring surgery.