Acronym for medical evacuation. MEDVAC typically refers to a team that has the skills necessary for proper medical evacuation in emergency situations. Also known as MEDEVAC.
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A transcription factor that participates in vascular development. MEF2A is a member of the myocyte enhancer factor-2 (MEF2) family of transcription factors. Messenger RNA (mRNA) from MEF2A has been detected in blood vessels during early embryogenesis. The gene for MEF2A is located on chromosome 15q26. A heritable deletion within the MEF2A gene that results in […]
- Mega- (prefix)
Megalocephaly is too large a head. Megacardia is too large a heart. Megacolon is too large a colon.
- Megabase
Unit of length for DNA fragments that is equal to 1 million nucleotides. A megabase (Mb) is roughly equal to 1 centiMorgan (cM).
- Megacolon
An abnormally enlarged colon. Megacolon can arise as a serious congenital problem in the newborn, caused by abnormal innervation of the colon and frequently requiring surgery.
- Megakaryocyte
A giant cell in the bone marrow that is the ancestor of blood platelets, which are essential to normal blood clotting.