Inflammation of the little glands in the tarsus of the eyelids. Chronic inflammation of these glands can lead to a lump in the eyelid known as a chalazion. Also known as meibomitis.
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- Meiosis
The process chromosomes undertake during germ-cell formation to halve the chromosome number from 46 to 23. In meiosis, the 46 chromosomes in the cell divide to make two new cells with 23 chromosomes each. Before meiosis is complete, however, chromosomes pair with their corresponding chromosomes and exchange bits of genetic material. In women, X chromosomes […]
- Meiotic drive
Preferential selection during meiosis (germ cell production). In meiotic drive there is preferential production of certain gametes. This alters the segregation of genes from the Mendelian expectations. Meiotic drive is a mechanism for transmission distortion.
- Meiotic nondisjunction
Failure of two members of a chromosome pair to separate from one another during meiosis, causing both chromosomes to go to a single daughter cell. Meiotic nondisjunction is responsible for the extra chromosome 21 in trisomy 21 (Down syndrome) and for extra and missing chromosomes that cause other birth defects and many miscarriages.
- Melan- (prefix)
Prefix meaning dark or black. It comes from the Greek “melas”, black. Examples of terms containing melan- include melancholia, melanin, melanocytes, melanoma and melena.
- Melancholia
An old term for depression.