Melanoma, lentigo maligna
One of the four clinical types of malignant melanoma and the slowest growing type. Lentigo maligna melanoma typically begins as a patch of mottled pigmentation that is dark brown, tan, or black on sun-exposed skin, such as on the face.
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- Melanoma, nodular
One of the four clinical types of malignant melanoma, typically presents as a raised, distinct, bluish-black tumor possibly shaped like a pencil eraser, that may be encircled by particularly pale skin, most often in middle-aged or older adults.
- Melanoma, ocular
A rare type of malignant melanoma that arises from a structure within the eye. The most common sites for ocular melanoma are the choroid, the ciliary body, and the iris. The tumor may metastasize (spread), most often to the liver. Ocular melanoma tends to occur after age 40.
- Melanoma, superficial spreading
One of the four clinical types of malignant melanoma, the most common type in white people, which typically presents as a raised, irregular, colored area that starts in a mole-like shape and spreads across the skin.
- Melanosis coli
A benign, reversible condition usually, but not always, associated with long-term use of anthranoid laxatives in which pigment deposition in the lamina propria of the large intestine results in a brown to black discoloration of the mucosa (lining) of the large intestine. Melanosis coli is sometimes called pseudomelanosis coli since the pigment deposited is lipofuscin […]
- MELAS syndrome
Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes syndrome, a rare form of dementia caused by mutations in the genetic material (DNA) in the mitochondria. Most DNA is in the chromosomes in the cell nucleus, but another important cell structure that carries DNA is the mitochondrion. Much of the DNA in the mitochondrion is used to […]