Referring to Gregor Mendel or his theories.
Read Also:
- Mendelian inheritance
The manner by which genes and traits are passed from parents to their children. The modes of Mendelian inheritance are autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked dominant, and X-linked recessive. Also known as classical or simple genetics.
- Mendelism
mathematics, botany, physics, and meteorology. His meticulous controlled experiments with breeding peas in the monastery garden led him to conclude that the heritable units (now called genes) were not blends of parental traits but rather were separate physical entities passed individually from one generation to the next. The report in 1865 of Mendel’s discoveries went […]
- Menetrier disease
Giant hypertrophic gastritis.
- Menetrier's disease
Giant hypertrophic gastritis.
- Meniere disease
A condition with recurrent vertigo accompanied by ringing in the ears (tinnitus) and deafness. Symptoms include vertigo, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of hearing (in the affected ear), and abnormal eye movements. Meniere disease is due to dysfunction of the semi-circular canals (endolymphatic sac) in the inner ear. The treatment of Meniere disease usually includes medications […]